Eat the World

11 09 2023

It has been a significant amount of time since my last post. Perhaps I lost my mojo, or perhaps my creative juices were marinading. Marinading to the point of liquid? Circumstances aided in the creation of a creative desert, but apparently I walked through the valley in the shadow of death!

I had an impromptu visit to Antwerp in Belgium. I have visited Antwerp many times over my advancing years for various reasons. Coming back is like visiting an old friend. Things change, some things are beautiful and some things aren’t.

As usual my work brought me here, leaving my evenings free to explore. Walking around the old town, with a rumble in my belly seeing various non-descript restaurants. I chanced across a Moroccan restaurant and my heart leapt several meters from my chest.

The menu didn’t inspire me at all, focusing upon Pastillas and breakfasty type affairs. The mother came over talking to me in Flemish, which isn’t my best language. Blurting out that I don’t speak Dutch/Flemish, she called her daughter over. Who without batting an eyelid told me that she speaks seven languages. Well that was me trumped. Using my pidgin Spanish we chat away, going through the menu.

At this point it became a family affair. The owner (and father) of the family was introduced to me. He was a wonderful host, chatting about his time in Girona, about my recent visit to Morocco, about the food, the climate etc. It made me feel like part of the family, breaking bread with relatives that I haven’t seen for years.

The chicken tagine was incredible. Authentic, tasty and served from a family’s kitchen. Not sure about the fries , perhaps it is mandated in Belgium that every meal is served with fritjes? But it isn’t just about the food, the whole experience was heartwarming and welcoming. Getting behind the transactional nature of a restaurant for a deeply personal experience and it left me feeling elated.

Eating alone in a restaurant is normally a perfunctory experience. Mostly people watching and munching, but just sometimes an open mind creates an incredible experience. Tonight I had that experience, and it has made my writing juices flow again. I have commented many times that food and the act of eating is something that removes all boundaries from us as a species. Sharing the food and eating allows us to be equal, regardless of culture. We should eat the world, and eat each others world. Just don’t each other other, that is generally frowned upon in many cultures.

Merci beaucoup Le Beldi. Today you reunited me with an old friend that I have missed very much.




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